DÉBORA BENACOT • translated from the Spanish by MARGARET YOUNG






Days of growing like bamboo
and nights with thorns in my back 

your absence is this dirty rag
I use to rub my memories
one by one
until they gleam

absurd paradox
how opaque it is
this glass through which
you dare to look at me





Dias de crecer como el bamboo
y noches con espinas en el lomo

tu ausencia es este trapo sucio
con que repaso los recuerdos
uno a uno
hasta que brillen

absurda paradoja
que sea tan opaco
el vidrio por el cual
osas mirarme


Débora Benacot was born and lives in Mendoza, Argentina. She has published Ácaros al sol (Fundíbulo Ediciones, 2011; “Escenario” award to best poetry book published in Mendoza, in 2011), Pirsin (Ediciones Culturales de Mendoza, 2012; “Vendimia” award of poetry),  and Escrito en un grano de arroz (Fundíbulo Ediciones, 2014).

Margaret Young was born in Ohio and lives in Beverly, Massachusetts. She studied at Yale and U.C. Davis and is the author of Willow from the Willow (Cleveland State Poetry Center 2002) and Almond Town (Bright Hill Press 2011). She was a 2005 Individual Artist grant recipient from the Ohio Arts Council. She is on the faculty of the Global Center for Advanced Studies.