House of In and Out (The Gums begin their move-in)
Holly Burdorff
ROBERT: parade of locksmiths, exterminators, painters, cleaners, contractors
LORETTA: in they come, out they go
nutriments, patience, aquariums
pads to protect the breakables (oh tragedy of tiny tinkles)
REPORTER: if moving with phantoms, with lapwings, with piggybacks
ROBERT: parade of locketsmiths, extinguishers, palaces, clearings, contradictions
LORETTA: this moving profession
some shimmy shammies to wrap things –
how to explain to teaspoons: now cozy, soon drawer
REPORTER: if moving with kimonos, with piglets, with eavesdroppings
ROBERT: parade of lockupsmiths, extractors, palates, clearways, contraltos
HANK: back in the old honk
I know the gasp the cadence
this place, full of snickers
REPORTER: if moving with tingles, with frizzles, with calluses
ROBERT: parade of locustsmiths, extrapolations, palms, cleavers, contraptions
HANK: messy estuaries of a man returning
a house in a town so white it blinds
a son bent, unbroken
REPORTER: if moving with son, with chair, with wheels
ROBERT: parade of lodgingsmiths, extraterrestrials, palominos, clerics, contusions
LORETTA: this hopeful home
containing all horizons to our crumpled planet